Welcome to The Department of Housing Stability Request For Proposals Portal


HOST  is committed to creating inclusive and sustainable solutions for our community's housing needs. This portal serves as a central hub for all Requests for Proposals (RFPs) related to housing and community development initiatives. We invite all qualified agencies to participate and collaborate with us in our mission to provide safe, affordable, and supportive housing for all residents


The Department of Housing Stability (HOST) builds a healthy, housed, and connected Denver. HOST invests resources, creates policy, and partners with organizations to keep people in the homes they already live in, to quickly resolve an experience of homelessness, and to connect people to affordable housing opportunities.  


HOST’s Five-Year Strategic Plan sets the direction for our work over the next five years, from 2022 to 2026. We encourage Proposers to review the plan, and to explicitly address how your proposal contributes to achieving our strategic goals and targets as well as those of the Citywide Goals.

Please see Five-Year Strategic Plan here:   

HOST 5-Year Strategic  Plan 

Please see the Citywide Goals here:

Citywide Goals 


The Department of Housing Stability, in alignment with the Mayor’s Office of Social Equity and Innovation, prioritizes racial equity and inclusiveness and seeks to reflect this value in our funding practices. Our commitment to producing racially equitable housing outcomes is paramount to HOST’s overall mission of Denver residents being healthy, housed and connected.

In furtherance of our mission, HOST leadership and staff have completed a racial representation audit of our department as well as an internal organizational racial equity self-assessment (ORESA). The Department of Housing Stability has created a brief write-up sharing the results of the internal ORESA survey. The write-up provides HOST’s average scores on the ORESA survey disaggregated by race and level of employment. See results of survey here:  

HOST leadership fully acknowledges the department has more work to do in racial, cultural and linguistic representation and feel that work is best done by acknowledging where we currently stand. HOST is committed to working with the Mayor’s Office of Social Equity and Innovation to meet our goals and the Mayor’s Equity Platform as we serve the community’s most vulnerable and underrepresented residents.

Submission Guidelines

To ensure a smooth and efficient process, please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your proposals:

  • Carefully review all RFP requirements and ensure your proposal addresses each criterion.
  • Submit your proposal by the specified deadline.
  • Include all required documentation and supporting materials.
  • For detailed instructions, refer to the specific RFP documents.

Contact Us

For any questions or further information, please contact our support team at HOSTProcurements@denvergov.org. We are here to help you navigate the proposal process and look forward to your participation.

Access & Accommodation

For a sign language interpreter or real-time captioning via CART Services, contact 

DeafHHServices@denvergov.org with at least three (3) business days' notice.

For other public accommodation requests/concerns related to a disability, contact 


For non-English language interpretation services, contact HOSTprocurements@denvergov.org.

Property Tax Relief 

Request for Proposal (RFP) # HOST-86-2024-(link to full RFP)


Schedule of Events:

  • RFP Issued – 1/3/2025 at 10:30 AM MST
  • Virtual Pre-Proposal Meeting – 1/10/2025 at 10:30 AM MST
  • Deadline to Submit Additional Questions 1/14/2025 at 5:00 PM MST
  • Response to Written Questions/Addendum – 1/16/2025 at 5:00 PM MST
  • Proposal Due Date – 1/30/2025 at 5:00 PM MST
  • Evaluation Period – 1/31/2025 – 2/14/2025 (Tentative)
  • Anticipated Award Date – 2/14/2025 (Tentative)

RFP Background Vision and Purpose

HOST invites proposals from qualified partners to complete the scope of work outlined in this RFP. The use of subcontractors is neither required nor permitted under this solicitation. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the applicant's capacity to meet all project requirements independently. Evaluation will be based exclusively on the specified criteria, and all work must be carried out by the applicant.

This procurement addresses the following HOST Five-Year Strategic Plan Goals:

Housing Stability:

a) Help Households Remain in Their Home and Neighborhood of Choice

b) Reduce Foreclosures in Income-Restricted Homes

Per the Denver Revised Municipal Code Article XI, the City and County of Denver acknowledges that low-income owner-occupants of residences in the city who are older adults, individuals with disabilities, or homeowners with dependent children are unduly burdened by the impact of low incomes and property taxes. The City also acknowledges that low-income tenant or renter-occupants of residences in the city who are older adults or individuals with disabilities are also impacted by property taxes because portions of their rent go to pay real property taxes on their residence in the city. The City further finds that this economic burden is compounded by rising costs of living and increasing tax burdens. 

Rising property taxes and home values have contributed to a larger housing affordability crisis for Denver homeowners. According to the Common Sense Institute, Colorado has the 27th lowest median property tax payment in the United States yet property taxes still accounted for 17% of the increase in household expenses among Colorado residents in 2024. Additionally, the 12 Colorado counties in which 63% of the state’s population resides ranks above the U.S. average for median property tax costs as a percentage of median household income. Denver County alone has a higher property tax-to-income ratio than 63% of all U.S. counties1. Additionally, Housing Matters of the Urban Institute found that in jurisdictions across the United States, Black and Hispanic homeowners pay disproportionately higher taxes relative to their homes’ values. Based on actual tax bills, property tax rates were found to be 15% higher for Black homeowners and 11.4% higher for Black & Hispanic homeowners compared to White homeowners2.

Colorado renters are also impacted by low wages and rising housing costs. The National Low Income Housing Coalition found that 76% of Colorado’s extremely low-income renter households (incomes at or below 30% AMI) are severely cost burdened, meaning they spend more than half of their income on housing costs. 

Of these extremely low-income renter households, 18% were disabled and 30% were seniors3. BIPOC Households are also disproportionately impacted by low incomes and high housing costs, with Black households being three times as likely and Hispanic households being two times as likely as white households to be renters with extremely low incomes4. While median rental costs in Denver experienced only an approximately 0.8% increase within the last year, median rents in the region experienced a 22.6% increase from 2020-20235. While this increase trends lower than the national average, current Denver rental costs pose a serious threat to extremely low-income renters in Denver, particularly among non-White households.    

The City and County of Denver provides a partial refund of property taxes paid, or the equivalent in rent, to low-income homeowners and renters through the Denver Property Tax Relief (PTR) Program. With the continued goal of preventing involuntary displacement among City and County of Denver residents, HOST is seeking proposals for the PTR Program for a period beginning May 1st, 2025, through April 30th, 2026. HOST is seeking partners to assist with reviewing applications and issuing property tax rebates for the 2024 property tax year. Successfully awarded contracts may be extended for future program years depending on program performance and availability of funds. 

HOST is particularly interested in proposals that emphasize a commitment to increasing robust access to property tax relief resources for underserved populations. Eligible activities supported by this funding include but are not limited to:

Application Review and Eligibility Determination: Respondents should be equipped to receive and review all PTR Program applications submitted by Denver residents through a centralized database, arriving at and communicating final eligibility determinations to all applicants. Application review will include, but is not limited to, verification of an applicant’s age, disability status, and Area Median Income (AMI) for their household size. Awardees will also be responsible for verifying that all eligible applicants’ residence is within the City and County of Denver, that homeowners have owned the property that they lived in throughout the previous tax year, and that the home’s property taxes for the previous assessment period have been paid in full. Respondents are responsible for collecting any additional documentation to verify an applicant’s eligibility and mitigating potential applicant irregularities and fraudulent activity according to guidelines established by HOST. 

Program eligibility is subject to change based on changes made to Denver ordinance and Denver Revised Municipal Code. This procurement is intended to select respondents who can continue administering the program if potential changes are made. 

Current Homeowner Eligibility:

· Eligible homeowners include those at 60% AMI or below for their household size 

· Must have turned 65 years of age or older during the previous year, have been disabled during all of the previous year, or have a dependent minor child who resided with the homeowner for the entire previous year

· Owned the property that they lived in throughout the previous year in the City and County of Denver

Current Renter Eligibility:

· Eligible renters include those at 25% AMI or below for single-applicant households and those at 30% AMI or below for multiple applicant households

· Must have turned 65 years of age or older during the previous year or have been disabled during all of the previous year

Current Additional Eligibility 

· Property taxes for the dwelling unit are paid in full for previous year (renters and homeowners)

· No other Denver Property Tax Relief refunds have been authorized for the dwelling

Payment Processing: For qualified applicants, respondents will issue property tax relief payments as supported by written documentation and program eligibility determinations up to the maximum assistance limits enforced by HOST. 

Outreach & Marketing: Proposals should reflect a commitment to and a comprehensive plan for outreaching eligible populations served by this program, as outlined below, across the City and County of Denver. Outreach strategies should include efforts to educate residents in-person and provide technical assistance for applicants with technology and/or language barriers. Please provide details of successful marketing and outreach strategies your organization has used to promote available programs as well as any available metrics associated with those efforts.

Resource Referral and Navigation: Respondents will ensure that applicants are expeditiously connected to all available resources designed to prevent involuntary displacement among renters and homeowners within the City and County of Denver. Such resources include but are not limited to: 

· Financial assistance programs for renters and homeowners including the State of Colorado Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (EMAP), the HOST Foreclosure Financial Assistance Program, and the Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance (TRUA) Program.

· Eviction and Foreclosure Legal Defense Programs

· Utility assistance programs such as the Colorado Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) and/or Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC)

· Home Modification/Repair Programs

· Home Share Programs

· Denver Office of Financial Empowerment and Protection (OFEP)

Service Requirements 


The current anticipated budget for this program in 2025 is $4.5 million. HOST encourages respondents to submit budgets which reflect all operational and direct assistance needs of the program. Respondents should expect to fully expend all awarded funds by April 30th, 2026. Subsequent budget periods are subject to the availability of funds, program authority, satisfactory performance, and compliance with the terms and conditions of the award. 

Subsequent budget periods are subject to the availability of funds, program authority, satisfactory performance, and compliance with the terms and conditions of the award.

Minimum Qualifications

Respondent must have knowledge about best practices and prior experience serving low-to-moderate income residents at-risk of housing instability with direct financial assistance and supportive services. Respondents must also demonstrate a strong commitment to integrating into and coordinating with existing service delivery systems of anti-displacement programs to streamline qualified applicants’ access to all available community resources. Additionally, respondents must have a plan to develop and/or expand upon existing partnerships with housing stabilization service providers that will enhance renter and homeowner resource delivery and avoid any duplication of services. 

Program assistance must be provided according to Fair Housing requirements that protect citizens from discrimination on the basis race, color, religion or creed, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, marital or familial status, military status or physical or mental disability. 


Pre-Proposal Meeting

Topic: Property Tax Relief RFP Pre-Bid Meeting 

Time: Jan 10, 2025 10:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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Proposers who feel they are unable to prepare and submit an electronic submittal should submit a request in writing to HOSTProcurements@denvergov.org, no later than the Question due date, for permission and instructions for submitting a hardcopy proposal. 

Denver - HOST